January 21, 2008

Scar Face

13 hours until my cyst removal.

Am I scared?? What, to have a huge needle injected into my little bump friend…HECK YES I'M SCARED!!

I'm going to stop talking about it though because the more I do, the more I just want to call and cancel my appointment.

I'm hoping I wake up tomorrow and feel brave. Hope I wake up and feel like, " Hey I wouldn't mind a needle in my face today" some days I do feel like im braver than others and I'm defiantly hoping tomorrow is one of them.

I think it would be better if they were going to sedate me or put me under anesthesia. Instead, I get to stay away. The doc said the procedure should take about an hour. After they remove my cyst, they will be sending it off to the lap to have it looked at. If it is infact a cyst, then nothing more will need to be done. If it comes back a tumor or something else, he said more testing will have to be done. GREAT.

I'm just a cyst and tumor filled person. This is my second facial cyst and about 9 years ago (holy moley…9 YEARS??!?!???) I had a tumor removed from my wrist. They originally thought it was a cyst but when they tried to extract it with a needle, nothing came out.

This is by far the worst pain I have even encountered in my whole 22 ½ years of life. I now have a lovely scar on my wrist that looks like I went through an Emo period in my life .

Well, at least I am finally getting it taken care of… as of tomorrow, I will be a new women.

A new tuff women that is

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you! What a brave woman!