March 19, 2008


Here are some random things I want to share… along with some photos =)


My new gun. Isn't it cute?!! I have Grammy to thank for it, as well as Matt, who found it. It is very small and fits perfectly in my purse. It also has a little belt clip. I might wear it next time I go to the local 7 eleven in order to fight off hungry bums.

We were driving home this past weekend from visiting Grammy and it was such a beautiful clear day. Off in the distance, we could see all the way to the mountains. They were beautiful.

Isn't this a weird cloud? It doesn't even look like a cloud. It looks more like…a blob

I was walking Baxter and Niquie yesterday and a lady came out and wanted to pet Baxter. She loved him! Then, she mentioned she had a female pug that just went into heat and she wants to breed. Baxter, still looking like a chemo patient, is still a stud even when he looks his worst. I have to call her to set up an official "meeting" but I could get used to pimping out my dog. Especially since I can potentially make money and he gets to do something he loves to do!

Here is a new blanket my favorite mother-in-law made for me. Baxter and I love it.

My Mom and Dad only have a few more steps to go until they adopt Koko, my new sister. Here is a photo of her and a little non living critter she found at Grammy's.

I can't wait until I can retire…or become pregnant and stay home. I'm just in the mood to not work anymore. Maybe because it is spring time and the weather is way too nice to be cooped up at a desk for 8 hours…and with the time change, I'm more tired than usual. Maybe I just need a vacation! Maybe I am just thinking of how busy we are going to be at work with pledge drive coming up. It takes a lot to beg people for money you know!

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