First, I just want to know how this lady does it.
Her and her husband tried to have a baby for years. When it didn't work out, she saw a fertility specialist who prescribed the lowest dose of Clomid, the fertility drug. She took this little magical pill for 1 month… just one dose. Here is what happened after that…
(Taken from her blog)
…."As I looked over at the monitor, I could tell that there were two sacks on the screen. "Am I having twins???!!!" I said as I looked at Joe and got all excited. We have always dreamed of having twins!
The tech: " have THREE sacks here"...
Me: "WHAT!?!?! I'm having triplets???!!!??!?!?!?"...I look over at Joe, whose face is white as a ghost and ask him if he needs to sit down. I think to myself, wow! Triplets?! So, I know there are many health concerns regarding TRIPLETS, but for the most part, they turn out OK. And I continue to laugh my "nervous, uncontrolable laugh" that I seem to do in so many inappropriate situations!
The tech begins to take it one sack at a time. She goes to the first sack: one baby about an inch long, heartbeat good, strong.....She goes to the second sack: another baby about an inch long, heartbeat, good strong...
She goes to the THIRD sack........SILENCE.....followed by, "Oh" (as if she had just seen something horrible). "WHAT?!" I said, "WHAT was that for....what do you see...Oh Gosh, please don't tell me there are two in there! NO....NO.....Please don't tell me there are two babies in the last sack!"
She slowly raises her head and says softly, "There are two babies in the last sack."
ME: "I'm having QUADRUPLETS??!?!?!" Okay...this is not fun anymore...
Let me just say that the chances of having twins while taking Clomid is only 10%... This lady got Quads. I don't know how she does it. She must have a lot of patience!
Yeah Aug or Sept, whichever works for you guys!
Are you still willing to take some pics of us w/my mom and sis on maybe Monday night after you get off work? We could prob do Sunday too if that works better, I just don't know when my sister works
ooohhhhh and YAY for no more captcha!
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