August 25, 2008

Dog Parks

We took Niquie to the dog park yesterday for a Boxer meet up. We left Baxter at home. It's too much stress for me to bring both of them and worry that 1) Baxter isn't getting eatin' by a big dog and 2) that Niquie isn't eating any small dogs… which she has been known to do on almost every dog park occasion, including this one.

Matt went with me. This was his first dog park experience. I thought for sure he would be a nervous wreck but it turns out I AM the nervous wreck. In my defense, he has not seen Niquie almost devour a tea cup Chihuahua… it is a very frightening experience. If the small dogs just left her along and didn't bark or growl, she would be ok. But when they do, they now become her Scooby snack.

Here she is running with her Boxer friends. I think there were about 5 total. I found the group online. It was funny to see them all playing together and boxing. I think next time we will leave Niquie at home and go to a Pug meet up so Baxter can hump play with others

1 comment:

J said...

"It was funny to see them all playing together and boxing. I think next time we will leave Niquie at home and go to a Pug meet up so Baxter can hump play with others"