August 7, 2008

I really should be updating my resume and looking for a job, but I can't seem to stop exploring this new area I will be living in.

Did you know that one of the largest Amish communities is 3 hours away from Dayton? They have an Amish Flea market too and they offer tours of their farms and everything. I am very intrigued and I plan on visiting when I have time! It's fascinating to me how they live.

I would love to visit and observe!

Did you know that Punxsutawney Phil, the ground hog who determines if we will have another 6 weeks of winter every February 2nd, is only 5 hours away? I think next February we will need to take a weekend trip up there and see if this groundhog ever sees his shadow.

1 comment:

J said...

lmao @ the groundhog and you for even thinking of driving 5 hours to see him you DORK!