September 26, 2008

9 days

Breaking News

9 days.

In 9 days or 216 hours, we will be in a car driving across the country towards Ohio.

We just got word today that they want Matt to start in the 2nd week of October.

I was calm before… now that I have to cut my 2 week notice I gave work, to a 1 week notice and will only have Monday off next week to get everything straightened out and then when I get off work Friday, I have to go to bed because we leave super early the next day!! Man I am starting to stress.

On a funner note. We are having our going away party tomorrow. I am excited. I am glad we planned that before finding out the date otherwise Matt would never have agreed to it and there are so many people I want to say goodbye to!

We are very lucky that my parents and sister will be going with us to help us drive. We will all be taking shifts in hopes of getting there a lot faster. Then they will fly home a few days after we arrive. This should be exciting. Koko has never been out of California or on a plane! 2 big adventures.

So I must get back to work… well I am at work, but Im finding its way to hard to concentrate at a time like this.

Breathe in…. Breathe out… Breathe in… Breathe out. AHHHHHHH

Heres a photo I drew of a friend at work at I, and our cute!

1 comment:

J said...

You will be fine! I'm sure there will be a few bumps along the way but you have Matty and your family so just take it one day at a time! I am excited for you!!!!