Our high today is 54*. The high back home is 80*
The average gas prices back home right now is $3.30 /gal while the gas station down the street from us has it listed for $2.44/gal. No complaining there.
As I get to know more about this place, im not so sure I love it as much as I thought.
For the past week, I have been trying to find TV shows like Oprah, The Office, The biggest Loser, The Today Show, Regis and Kelly… and I kept thinking that maybe I was doing something wrong when I was searching for these shows.
Last night while watching the news, a new caster came on and said that it has been 4 weeks now since our cable company has taken NBC OFF OF THERE NETWORK!!!!!! How can you take NBC off the network?? I was sooo mad and 12 hours later I am still fired up. Because instead of watching Regis and Kelly, something I haven’t gotten to do since getting a real 40 hour a week job years ago, I am forced to watch one of the 50 local public broadcast stations. When I say 50, I am NOT exaggerating.
According to the news lady, the 2 networks are trying to get there little issue worked out and hopefully we can get NBC back. Until then, we will have to watch our shows online
Other things I have noticed about the area… no lines at the stop signs. This is probably because no one stops! Stop lights… they have no camera to see if anyone is running red lights, probably because they would be WAY to busy issuing tickets to every single person.
The Bugs… they are HUGE. The mosquito hawks could probably eat Baxter.
So far, I have only seen 3 grocery stores in this entire town, and I haven driving around a lot. In California, we have one on every corner.
I have a long list of stuff I could list… but I guess the point is that it is just a culture shock.
Matt and I were talking yesterday about how we live in the same country that we did before yet it seems like this town is a few years behind in the real world. How could technology and life really be so different from state to state?
Another thing… why are people not friendly? I have not encountered one person who is actually friendly. Some are rude, some have no personality but none are just plain nice!
That’s my daily rant. I am now going to try and find a gym so I can work off the 3 bowls of ice cream I had yesterday.

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