Well, we arrived Monday morning tired, stinky and never wanting to get back into the car again.
It has now Thursday (crap, I just realized I missed The Office and Grey’s Anatomy!!If I was back home, I could still watch them) and so far I really like it. The weather has been about 75* and you can defiantly see that autumn is here.
Dayton is covered in trees and it’s so pretty to look over and see miles and miles of trees and not tell where the city is…

Tuesday, Mom and Koko and I took a drive to a small town called Waynesville. This town is older than Ohio. They had lots of little shops to shop but most where country style décor. Back home, our little shops are more shabby chic.

Since Last night, I have been snapping away. I have even caught the C-130 planes that fly over our house… They are so close I can touch them. Well, that’s how I feel at least.

We even toured the presidential air planes including the Air Force 1 that belonged to President Kennedy. This is the same plane that carried his casket home. 

Rule #2- don’t take photos of the outside of an Air Force building. Your camera may be confiscated. Luckily, I got to keep mine. Inside photos are ok… outside, not ok.
I will post photos of the house soon. It isn’t fully unpacked and put together yet. I hope to finish after the family leaves. Here is the front and back though... 

Tomorrow we are going to have Chili Spaghetti! Famous in Cincinnati, but Dayton has it too! I plan to do lots of stairs tomorrow to work that off!
It has now Thursday (crap, I just realized I missed The Office and Grey’s Anatomy!!If I was back home, I could still watch them) and so far I really like it. The weather has been about 75* and you can defiantly see that autumn is here.
Tuesday, Mom and Koko and I took a drive to a small town called Waynesville. This town is older than Ohio. They had lots of little shops to shop but most where country style décor. Back home, our little shops are more shabby chic.
When we got home from Waynesville, the moves had just got done unloading all of our stuff off the truck. Since then, we have been unpacking. I cannot believe how many boxes we had for our tiny house. As we were unpacking and trying to put things away I realized a lot of my kitchen stuff wouldn’t fit! How is this possible? We went from a 900 sqft home to a 2800 sqft home and I don’t have enough space for my old stuff? My mom is actually quite impressed that I had all this stuff because looking at my house; you never would have thought I did. I was just well organized.
I wish I could say that I have dropped 10 lbs over the past few days from running up and down 3 flights of stairs, but I haven’t. If anything, all the calories I am burning is making me more hungry! So I swing by the kitchen on the main floor just before heading down to the last. It also doesn’t help that the movers put half of the stuff that should have been on the 3rd floor, in the basement and the stuff in that is in the basement is put on the top floor. I guess I can thank them for letting me get a workout.
Tuesday was also Our 2 year anniversary. I wasn’t expecting a gift since we had just moved and life had been so hectic, but my husband was good to me. The first gift, I got a disposable camera. 36 exposures! I thought this was for sure a joke… a disposable camera??? Film?? I kept asking him if there was a REAL camera around here somewhere… There was no way I would be able to find it if it was hidden in this house. The next day, a UPS truck showed up at the door. Matt said he was there to drop off a video card he ordered for his computer. I went about my business and didn’t think twice about it. 5 mins later my brother runs down to the basement and says, “Stevie, come quick… there is a HUGE scratch in your dining room table. I think the movers did it” I said, “We have sat at the table many times in the past few days. There was in scratch in it”. Since I was in mid-screw putting up a curtain rod, I took my time. He kept saying, “ YOU NEED TO COME UP THERE AND LOOK” finally it dawned on me… I stared at him for a minute and he started smiling. Rule 1- never send the brother, who can’t lie to save his life, to try and get me to believe something happened to my furniture!
So when I ran up there I saw Matt holding a gift… as I unwrapped it I saw the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

The new Nikon D90 with 2 lenses and two 8 GB memory cards. I was IN LOVE. I am not even ashamed to say I shed a tear. This camera even does video! And the quality is great!! I thought I would have to wait forever to get a new camera and even then I never thought I would get the one I actually wanted, since it was kind of pricey. We had some fun with the camera...jumping photos! My favorite.
Since Last night, I have been snapping away. I have even caught the C-130 planes that fly over our house… They are so close I can touch them. Well, that’s how I feel at least.
The first time we heard them, we were all in different rooms of the house. All of us started running for the front door, some of us falling down the stairs… or if you were my mom, you were doing the duck and cover on the kitchen floor thinking you were going to die. It was pretty cool. The plane looked to close that we could reach up and touch it.
We have also been waking up to the Air Force Revelry trumpets playing at 7:30 am each morning… kind of nice. I rather wake up to that, then a dog licking me telling me they need to go out and go potty.
Today we took a trip over to the National Air Force Museum and got to go up close lots of planes.
We even toured the presidential air planes including the Air Force 1 that belonged to President Kennedy. This is the same plane that carried his casket home.
Rule #2- don’t take photos of the outside of an Air Force building. Your camera may be confiscated. Luckily, I got to keep mine. Inside photos are ok… outside, not ok.
Well that should bring you up to speed for life in Ohio. Oh yeah, I should mention that gas here is $2.79 a gal. That’s right… $.70 cheaper than California.
I will post photos of the house soon. It isn’t fully unpacked and put together yet. I hope to finish after the family leaves. Here is the front and back though...
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