I pulled my car over in the 30* weather and popped the hood of my engine. I found the fuse box on my own but didn't know what fuse I was looking for. I had never ever seen a fuse box before!
So I got my owners manual out and found which fuse corresponded to the outlet. By this point, my hands were so cold that I couldn't pull the fuse out to check and see if it was broken. I tried to use the end of me cuticle cutter but that broke... I tried to put gloves on and pull it out. My fingers then were too fat and now my gloves were covered in oil. So I went home.
when I got home, I putted out some pliers and removed the fuse. It was indeed broken.
I head to the auto part store and get a box of fuses. All the while being really confident of myself that I could change a fuse in my car! The guy behind the counter asked if I needed help switching out the fuses. I said, " I got it. Thanks though". He then commented on how I was from California after looking at my ID card..I said "Yes, I'm from California and I'm freezing my butt off in Ohio!" He then followed me outside to smoke (im sure this was just an excuse so he could watch me try and put in a fuse and mess it up). I popped my hood, opened my fuse box and inserted the new fuse. The guy stood there and said, " you sure that's where it goes?" I said "YES!". I put the fuse box back on and went back into the car to see if my phone would now charge and YES IT DID! The guy then asked if I needed a paper towel to clean the oil off my hands. I replied "No, i'm fine... it's just a little dirt" ....
I know he was impressed that this little blond haired girl with glasses from California knew how to replace the fuse for her lighter adapter! I am so proud of myself! I kind of don't want to tell Matt my accomplishments though... if he knew I knew how to change a fuse, then the next time it happens, he will expect me to do it. And frankly, I think car stuff is classified as a "Mans-job" but I don't mind doing it every once in a while just for the sake of saying I have done it!
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