October 9, 2010

Happy 4 year anniversary!


We just celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary. 4 years. I can’t believe it had been 4 years! They have been the best 4 years and I can only hope the next 4 years are just as great!

For my anniversary gift Matt got me a couch! I have been wanting a new couch for almost a year now. Our old one just stunk of dog and I couldn’t get the smell out. Plus, it was pretty worn looking and didn’t provide enough seating for more then 2-3 people.

So here is the new living room with the sectional. Before, I had brown curtains but after adding a brown couch it looked like someone threw up poop in my living room so things needed to be tweaked a little.

I took down the brown curtains and made my own. That will be in the next blog post. I also added a photo wall. I have been wanting one for a while and it seems to work with this layout.  I still need to get some throw pillows since the ones that came with the couch are ugly and orange and yellow.

So here is my question.

Does it look ok that I don't have curtains on both sides of the windows??

I feel like the way I have it opens it up and makes the room feel bigger. If I have them on both sides then I can’t really have a photo wall since it will look to cluttered.

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And now to the next question…what to do with the rest of the room. We still want to keep our leather chair and are thinking of putting it where the entertainment center is. We would bring our flat screen TV from our bedroom and hang it where the map photo is and place a table underneath it to old the cable box and stuff… the only thing is that I don't want it to look crowded and the chair is wider and longer then the entertainment center so I don’t know if it will work. I guess only one way to find out!! I really think we just need to find a bigger house already!



Sarah said...

I LOVE YOUR COUCH!!! Where did it come from, i've been wanting one just like it.

And the wall, curtains, everything looks so great and I didn't even notice the "one-sided" curtains. And I love them after you mentioned it :)

I don't know about the rest of the room ... since I've never seen it, it's hard to tell :)

Chelsea said...

The curtains look great that way! Besides, with the picture wall there nobody will even notice!

J said...

I didn't even notice at first there weren't two sets of curtains on each window so don't worry about those, and I LOVE the idea of bringing the flat screen in with a table under it and the chair where the armoire is, only where will the armoire go? I think I'm totally spelling that wrong!

Anonymous said...

I think it looks great! You've inspired me to work on some photo projects I've been meaning to get around to.