January 24, 2011

Goodwill Finds

Went to Goodwill today and found some new pillow shams that fit my big old yellow pillows. I am not in love but they do hide the stained yellow pillows and will be a good backdrop for our bed when we move and get a headboard.
2 shams=$1.99
Remember how I keep shrinking my shower curtains?? Well I saved it instead of throwing it away knowing one day I might use it. That day was today. I covered 3 pillows with them. The covers took maybe 10 mins each. So easy.
Here is what they look like on each side. Now I could add buttons  to the one of the right, but I don’t have any that I like and our big enough.
So instead I tucked the flap into the pillow case and it works perfect!
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I need to put white cases on my pillow before putting them into the sham since they see through_DSC0213 _DSC0215
I also got a baby gate, a lamp and a hanging closet organizer from L.L.Bean to hold sweaters all for $9


Chelsea said...

I swear, you're like the bragain shopping queen! I could learn a lot from you...in fact, I don't think I've ever even been in a Goodwill, lol.

Chelsea said...

*bargain....not bragain. Haha.