February 29, 2008

Day 1 recap

Well we have one complete wall done! It looks fantastic.

Matt slaved all day to get in done.

After he finished the wall, with his aching back, he decided to load and take twelve 80lb bags backs of cement back to Lowes, since we didn't need them.

Upon arriving to Lowe's, he discovered he couldn't walk anymore. He called me on his way home and could barely breathe. I left work for the day to tend to my hard working hubby.

After getting home, he rested a while and when he got up to move around, he fell to the ground. He could barley walk because the pain was so bad. After getting him dressed and into the car, we went to the emergency room.

After waiting 3 hours, he was diagnosed with a pulled muscle or pinched nerve. When the doctor told him, "Wait here, the nurse will be in soon to give you some shots" I thought Matt was going to pass out. He immediately replied, "Shot…. Uh, why do I need shots? Shots of what? Can I just take some pills or something?"

The way he freaked out, you would have thought that was me getting a shot!

After waiting another 30 min for the nurse, she came in and gave Matt 3 shots in the buttocks. One Ibuprofen, One Morphine, One anti-nausea and a pill form of valium.

I am really glad I had a camera phone hardy.

When we got up to leave, he felt 98% better. I probably would too, being that doped up!

So Matt is instructed to take it easy for a while, which I agree, he should. But the only question I have is… when are we going to get our bath back? I don't know how long I can go with showering at other people's houses and the gym… I guess since I pay for the gym and hardly go these days, I can at least get my money out of it by showering there!

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