March 18, 2008

Grammy story for the day

You know…after going through all of my grandma's photos, I have come across a lot of them with different prisoner cell mates names and identification numbers. She had a lot of friends doing time. How did she find these people? Did she know them before they went in or did she get them off of the prisoners needing pin pals list??

I don't care if she talks to them. I don't care if she ran off with one of them and got married for her 6th time. But… it really upsets me to find my childhood photos of me as a little girl, with a prisoners' name and ID Number on the back of it. This information was on the majority of her photos. I do NOT want photos of me getting passed around to criminals who are serving a life sentence for murder, rape or for killing their parents and eating the brain.

Personally, that is just how I fell.

When I was telling my mom about this, she refreshed my memory of an incident that arose when my uncle, who is a correctional officer, stated at San Quentin . On his first day on the job, he was walking down death row and happens to see photos of his ENTIRE family, including himself, on an inmate's wall.

On his first day on the job, he had to go to his manager and explain what was going on. I do not remember the outcome of the situation, but I believe they were able to get the photos from the inmate and then had to transfer my uncle to another floor. Inmates cannot know any of your business, especially since they could have your whole family killed if they didn't like you.

Needless to say, my aunt did not speak to my grandma for a very long time.

I mean, do you honestly think that you should send photos of your grand children to convicted child molesters and rapist?? What are you thinking!!!

We have an entire waste bin full off letters that were sent back and forth between her and the inmates and other gentleman that she fancied. There may even be photos of Speedy in there. I figure that when I have time, I will read through them.


J said...

That is disturbing. Kind of speechless. Also kind of surprised she never married one of them.

Anonymous said...

Seriously...that is insane. Grammy always throws me for a loop with the stories you tell. I love you.