Not much really.
Baxter is getting better and hasn't been itching at all. That's the good news.
The bad news is that Grammy, my grandma, is in the hospital and probably won't make it out. She has had diabetes for a long time and recently was diagnosis with Breast Cancer. On top of these ongoing issues, she has caught pneumonia which is causing water to sit on her heart. Because of these issues, she now has congestive heart failure along with kidney and lung failure.
I was able to see her on Tuesday, which was nice since I haven't seen her in a long time. She also go to Meet Matt for the first time.
I think she knows that she is going to heaven soon. When we were sitting in there, she said to my mom, " Do you think Im going to live and be able to leave the hospital?" and my mom said, " I think it's possible" then Grammy said, "I don't think I will. Weird things keep happening. I don't know how to explain it or put my finger on it, but I know I don't have much longer". My mom told me this morning that Grammy said that her mom came to visit her... that was a sign that she will probably be going soon.
After telling us she was going to not make it much longer, she then said that when she gets out, she is going to live with my mom. Even though my mom has absolutely no space for the family that lives in her house now, she agreed to take her in. My grandma promised not to bother her and said all she wanted "was to be warm in the winter and cool in the summer…and to not feel alone anymore" With those words, it grabbed my mom by the heart strings.
My grandma also made peace with my dad. They never got along, due to her also being so mean to him. Last night though Grammy apologized to both my mom and my dad for how she has treated them over the year.
Personally, I would like to see her go. She is in too much pain. Nonnie, my Great Grandma (Grammy's mom) just passed away 4 months ago. Grammy talked to Nonnie everyday if not 3 X a day. We knew that once Nonnie went, Grammy wouldn't be far behind.
On top of dealing with Grammy in the hospital, the family has been over cleaning out her trailer. We are very thankful that the trailer is probably only 600 sgft. My grandma is a hoarder and has been for as long as I have known her. Her hoarding of choice: magazine and news papers. She will not throw anything away that she things has a "good recipe" it in, even though she can't cook because you can't get to the stove. Her house was pretty bad. I have never seen cob webs as big as the ones she had.
Since I have to work this week, I am unable to help them clean until this weekend. Darn =) And since Matt is not working right now, he has been over there. He has come to know who my grandma is and the type of person she was, just by going through her stuff. So far in amongst all of the junk, he has found 5 hand guns, a stack of letters to a prison pin pal, a massive jar of Mardi Gras beads and every book ever written on herbal medications and how they improve your health. Along with everything he has found, they have also managed to take out about 30 garbage bags full of trash. This is just on their first day...
Here is a photo of a hoarders house. It's NOT my gradma's but does resemble it with the amount of trash everywhere.
One day I will write some stories about my grandma. They only grandma I ever had and ever knew. There are a few that I can recall from when I would visit her that would fill up a post for two…
Like the one time she cut off a guy's ear and had to rush him to the hospital to get it sewed back on or when she told me that an owl lived in the ceiling vent and as soon as I would fall asleep, he was going to come out and get me… or the day before I would come and stay the weekend with her, she would call and say that she was too sick and I couldn't come, even though I had been looking forward to it all week. She was good at faking a sickness. Every weekend. There was also the time when I was 4 and she told me that my father wasn't my real father…or the time I was 8 and she told me that my mom was the real Santa, Easter bunny, Tooth Fairy and St. Patty's day leprechaun. I may even tell you why I still hate K-Mart to this day.
There are some bad stories, if that's what you want to call it, but to me, that was just Grammy. Besides that, she was an ok grandma. She always had a gum drawer that she would keep stocked for us. I believe one time I chose a piece of gum that had "expired". It chipped a tooth. Every One Christmas she brought 3 full black trash bags full of wrapped Christmas gifts. Every other holiday to follow she would start a fight with the family. I think so she didn't have to spend the holidays with us. She loved her grandchildren and always referred to them by their nickname she gave them. Me, being T-Baby. The origin of T-baby can be another post in itself as well. I have heard a couple of conflicting stories on how that name came. All of these good and bad stories can all be saved for another posting.
I feel kind of badly. When I got married, I didn't invite Grammy to the wedding.
1. I knew she wouldn't come, because she would probably be too sick.
2. I hadn't talked to her in almost a year and neither had the rest of the family
3. Nonnie has sent me a letter a few months prior to the wedding stating that "Grammy told me that you took money from her. Stevie, she could really use that money right now and I think you should pay her back" WHAT!!?@#$@#$#@. Why on earth would I take money from my grandma who I haven't seen in over 2 years? That, along with many other made up stories about me was the final straw. Nonnie was never one to lie, unlike Grammy. That's when I decided that I didn't want the drama anymore and just cut all ties.
I wish she could have been a better grandma but I think we grew up just fine. Luckily we had such good parents!
Our children will be twice as lucky because mine and Matt's parents will make excellent grandparents.
Since I came to work early to get some work done and so far have only accomplished writing a new entry in my blog. I better get back to work.
It's such a good post, im getting paid by the hour to write it! Fancy that.
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