May 29, 2008

I have been thinking a lot lately…about life. How lucky I am to have a job that pays me well, a nice car (even though only elderly people drive Buicks, I still love it) and even a home in which I own.

I think about how Matt and I want to make more money so we can do everything in life that we want to do. In life people look at what you’ve got and those people in the huge mansions and nice Mercedes seem RICH, but I am in fact the one who is RICH.

I came to the realization last week that even though we may not be millionaires or drive fancy cars or live in huge homes, we are the ones who are truly Rich. We are so very lucky to have food and clothes and a home and money to pay our bills and I feel almost selfish when looking around and seeing the extra things like Our GPS, TV’s and laptops and fancy camera’s…

It’s the small stuff that I realize sometimes that make me think how lucky we are. Socks… We are lucky to have socks to keep our feet warm and Shoes! And Soap to wash our bodies and a refrigerator to keep our food fresh and blanket… We even have heating blankets that we plug into a wall…we have lights that we can turn on and off… we can flush a toilet and take a hot shower and drive a block down the street to see a doctor if we aren’t feeling good. (I know your probably thinking I’m off the rocker..socks??! Really Stevie??) Yes! In the world there are millions of people who don’t have ANY of these things.

It just doesn’t matter how much money we will ever make or where we live or what we drive. We will always be filthy stinking rich

Today in our bi-monthly meeting we always close with a Nooma Video. Ironically today’s was on being “RICH”… When watching it, it made me think of my thinking last week and I thought I would share it with you.

Part 1

Part 2


J said...

ditto. just having the choice of what to make for dinner, what jeans to wear, which movie to see....the fact that we even have CHOICES is insanely fortunate. :)

Anonymous said... made our family rich when you married our son!
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