September 22, 2008

Design on a Dime Halloween Decor

I know that I am packing up my house in 9 days, but I still cant help wanting to decorate for Fall.

I got a cute idea from this blog, who had taken the idea from this blog which involved me to take a trip to the dollar store.

First, I got 2 mini Christmas wreaths with berries on them and spray painted them black, to look Spooky

Second, I got a picture frame with 3 spots for photos… or letters! And spray painted it black.

Third, I printed out the letters BOO in different fonts and put them in the frame (Frame really isn't as unevenly painted and shiny as it looks)

Fourth, I set up my master piece in the corner of my living room and am proud of my design on a dime every time I walk by and see it! (It really isnt much... since I am moving in 9 days and I didnt want to go all out)

Remember those candle pillars I got for a dollar and spray painted black? They work perfect for Halloween. Just set the black wreaths on top and add a candle and wa-la!

The total cost for this project

$.96 for spray paint

$1.00 for the frame

$2.00 for 2 wreaths

I already had the paper and the printer with ink.

10 mins of my times - 3mins of which was trying to convince my husband that this WILL be cute and that I know what I am doing!
=$ 3.96 + tax! Not too bad!!

1 comment:

J said...

Cute!!!! I've seen the Boo letters several different places over the years but have yet to do them. I might do it next Halloween when we hopefully have a bigger house! I decorated for fall this weekend too!