Yesterday was a hard day for me and I think I cried enough tears to fill the Mississippi river. I plan on working to fill the Nile River on Saturday when I have to say goodbye to my family.
Yesterday at work, I didn't actually work. In fact, I attended a few parties in my honor! I was spoiled. The first one was a surprise breakfast party and everyone pitched in and got Matt and I two 100$ Visa gift cards. I also received about 5 or 6 cards full of tons of signatures.
Then, I went to a gathering for just the IT dept. and was presented with the first ever "Golden Headset Award".

I got a huge backpack full of CD's, T-shirts, Mugs and Key chains to add to my Klove logo collection and After a few lot more tears I said good bye and was on my way…
There were times that I couldn't wait to not work anymore and then there are times I loved my job and could stay there forever… When I think about it, I think I just really like the people and how it's not really like a job but something fun and easy that I get paid to do… I hope I can find that again, in Ohio, the Buckeye State.
Last night I got to say goodbye to Pam and Aubrey which was a result to lots more tears… not from Aubrey though, she didn't really know what was going on. I am sure going to miss that little stinker, oh and Aubrey too! =)
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