November 13, 2008

Daily life and routines

When we decided that I wouldn’t have to work when we got to Ohio, I thought I would be really bored sitting at home all day. However, I have wanted to be a Stay at Home Housewife (SAHH) for a while now and couldn’t believe it was actually going to happen.

Since being out of work for 5 weeks now, I can honestly say I have not been bored yet. In fact, how am I busier now than before when I was doing all of the same stuff plus a full time job? I think it’s because I have a 3 story house. 3 flights of stairs take a big chunk out of your day to climb and climb and climb… But I can tell you that I can go from the basement to the top floor without losing my breath. Before it felt like I just had the workout of my life… especially when I’m carrying 2 full laundry baskets.

Here is how my days aren’t spent. The routine changes from day to day but overall this is how I stay busy.

6:00-7:00am – Wake up, let the dogs out to go potty, feed the dogs, check my email, watch the news

7:45-8:15- Make coffee and breakfast for Matt who will have gotten up about 15 mins ago and should be stumbling down stairs any minute to see what I have cooked for him to eat.
8:45am- Matt leaves for work. I plan dinner. If I plan on cooking something in the crock pot, I will usually start it now.
9:00-9:15am- start warming up the car and get ready for the gym and head out…(gym 4x a week. This took a while to get used to but im pretty much back into the swing of things)

9:20-10:30ish- Have a great work out! Hop from treadmill to treadmill until I can find one where both the TV and the audio work. When I do, I will stay on this machine for most of the time. These machines are HOT. If you get one, you can’t let it go easily. I will usually watch Reggis and Kelly and then Ellen until I can no longer walk anymore. Usually about an hour…or until someone who hops on the machine next to me moves the fan that has been keeping me from swimming in my own sweat. When someone touches the fan, I'm done. For some reason I get really frustrated!!!

10:30 am- Stretch and head home… sometimes I will sing by the grocery store if I need to pick anything up for dinner
11:00am- Shower and get ready for my day
11:30-12:00pm- Start my chores…laundry, dishes, vacuuming, Bathing the dogs, clean the bathrooms, decorate for Christmas, check emails… may takes the dogs to the lake to run around...

12:30pm- Matt comes home for lunch. Feed him
1:00pm- Back to chores..possibly continue that for a few hours
5:00-6:00pm- Start dinner

7:00-8:00 pm- Spend time with Matt

9:00-10:00pm- Go to bed and prepare for the next day
Well that’s my day in a nutshell… things change and it doesn’t always play out like that…but I stay pretty busy. Once I get my circuit (which STILL hasn’t arrived after 10 days) I plan on becoming more busy.

On a happy note, my camera came home last night!! She was dearly missed. I may have a welcome home party for her and celebrate by taking some photos of awesome rainy (and 60% snow on Saturday) OHIO.

1 comment:

J said...

You crazy girl! We are SO opposites! I go to bed around 3 and thank god, Em sleeps till 9 am. And good for you for working out everyday too!!!!

Thanks for posting your days, I'm always so fascinated seeing how other people who SAH spend their days!