June 2, 2011

Project: Front Yard



Our front yard has gone from ugly and weedy to oh so pretty in just 2 days! Thanks to my BIL and FIL who were visiting from Texas. We always seem to save the big projects that require a lot of back breaking work for when they visit.

Matt pulled up all the weeds by hand over the entire yard and rota tilled. We then had a layer of top soil brought in. Here is what it looked like the morning of “Project: Front Yard”

The pond was already here when we moved in, however, the electrical outlet that the pond was plugged into was never hooked up. Surprising?? Nope. Nothing surprises me when it comes to this house. Matt dug up the wires that ran from the pond, under ground up to the street then under the driveway and down the other flower bed and then under the drive way again and then after cutting a huge whole into the drywall inside of the garage he found it. It was about 6 inches away from the breaker box… just sitting there. So we had an electrician come out and hook it up for us. We now have a functional pond!


Trenches are dug and sprinkler system was laid.


Cohen loved to dig and help Poppy install the new sprinklers. Nana watched him while I went shopping for flowers.  It' was nice to get out by myself.

_DSC1807 _DSC1818The next day, Matt was home from work and the all 3 guys started laying sod.


Then there was flower placement, stone placement, flower planting and mulch

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Something about the green grass sure makes the yellow on the house pop more. We want to paint the house grey with white trim and black shutters but the more I look at it, I think I am liking the yellow. Just needs a fresh coat.

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I have always wanted a grassy front lawn (from Sod) Instant beauty and lushness.


All the plants we put in were “deer resistant” but that didn’t keep them from coming by this night and eating the blooms off of ALL my new plants. I have now sprayed them with some deer off repellent that smells of something I can’t even begin to explain. DSC_2398

My hydrangea on my front porch took a beating =( all the new blooms which took so long to appear, gone.


My water can was a debate in our household. I wanted it. Matt did not. I LOVE my water can. It was used on our last pond and I insisted it be used on this pond! It was a garage sale find for $5 and Matt rigged it up to be a fountain. In the end, he ended up installing it and I couldn’t be happier. Happy wife, happy life =)


Our fishies. We had 8 and are now down to 3 or 4 I think. Only the strong survive! Once they stick around long enough I will consider naming them.

The plant in there will grow quickly and provide shelter for our little friends.

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I painted the other adirondack chair and covered some pillows out of this thick fabric that was actually 2 valances and 2 pillow shams that I picked up at Goodwill for $2.  The colors go well too!


I still turn onto our street and think, “wow, that's a good looking lawn!” LOVE our house!

Now… I need more gravel for the front parking,  paint and some shutters and we have great curb appeal!

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