March 6, 2008

Back to the vet

Yes, we are on our way back to the veterinarian. No, it's not for Niquie. It is for Baxter now.

There are 2 things I'm getting tired of paying for. Fencing and vet bills.

About once a year Baxter goes through these stages where he itches really bad. Normally it passes in just a few days. I think it's allergies. Since Monday he has started itching himself so bad that he has open wounds and sores all over his body. So far I have counted 5. They are not getting better and are causing him to fall into a depression. His little tail is even straight.

So today at 4:30, Baxter will visit the vet and hopefully they can either confirm it is allergies and give him meds or determine it is something else. Hopefully it won't cost us too much money.

I just miss my old Baxter boy!

Niquie is doing well though. This morning I was watching TV and luckily had my camera next to me. When I wasn't looking, she crawled up on top of our coffee table ottoman and just sat there…who ever gave her permission to sit on our coffee table? Not me!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They're probably gonna refer you to a dermatologist and I think the only one around here is on Rocklin, thats where we had to take Bud cause of his skin condition. I sooooooo hope it's not as expensive for you as it was us. Poor Bax!
